Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Half a demon half a demon onword


Tw: blood,( mild) gore (mild)

Turn on it I had a real doozy of a nightmare that I would rather try to forget a kind of memory. I’d like to forget. This part was not the ideal thing to do before dinner or dad wants to have a large Tim Hortons ice cap. Something that would’ve been the death of me this morning as I woke up screaming from a nightmare. There’s a nightmare nevermore was god awful is consisted of first. I think it was a sleep deprivation dream that I’ve had. I don’t think I’ve had since I was about 12 or 13 years old when I first started having PTSD and it was Al rancho bad, but this is what it was there anyways the demon was there is only half demon and it was the top half of the demon with unfortunately the head and the arms crying at me from beneath my bad I know that sounds fucking childish but that’s what it was. What is half of a demon; similar to Smigel, was going around under my bed, clawing at me trying to get at me. He had a lotta blood and it looked like he lost a lot of blood if you were a human. That’s the only detail I can see about that you soon was able to jump out of the space between my bed in the floor, and soon the demon was able to go after me, and was crying at my eyes.

I had to be said my encounter with a Cryptid was brief because I woke up screaming. After that the only time I ever woke up, screaming after that kind of a dream that was so goddamn realistic, and I was fighting back was the idea that there was some kind of enemy combatant in my house trying to blow it off. With me and my parents are in and when I was a 13 years old and that was my first time seeing a psychiatrist and I had to tell her I saw the damn nightmare and it was so goddamn real now this is the exact same thing, but without the enemy combatant.

Why do I have these goddamn nightmares when I’m trying to have a sleep is beyond me but anyways, this is getting very triggering to me that the Smigel like half demon was chasing after me around the room and shit like that was kind of disturbing to me. I actually for the first time in 23 years or 22 years screamed while waking up. And I said up when I woke up, it was god-awful, and I never wanna go through that again so that being said the real demon in the story or enemy combatant in the story is Tim Hortons I am not drinking their shit for a long time because I find that this happens too much for me to deal with when I go to sleep and I end up dealing with a really bad nightmare is on biblical proportions.   This is literally be your own stupidity on my part to go and get the ice cap and what more to have to add to the situation that I didn’t know was going to happen was the fact that I was having a pumpkin spice iced Capp. I don’t usually want to say that I had a nice cop and had a real bitch of a nightmare, but in this case, this was the case. This half Smigel was god-awful, and I never want to see him again or her. I was pretty sure it was at her because she had the chess balls. 

That being said, I’d rather not have these nightmares again, so I’m just gonna stay away from anything that is not a homemade mocha that I know is free of any psychedelics or anything like that that make me stay up all night and scream like a bitch in the middle of the night I am just glad that no one came running downstairs to investigate the whole situation. How was I going to tell my friend that I had a realistic nightmare a super realism nightmare that was beyond surrealism and I never want to see this again kind of thing I don’t wanna act like a child so I had a fucking nightmare, but then there’s cases I can’t describe the fucking demon because I know this is going to end up getting caught by TOS and I’d rather not bother having a notification saying we removed your blog because of this one demonic nightmare I had. And once for all, I found that every time I wake up from these god-awful nightmares, realistic or not it’s 3 o’clock in the morning the witching hour how God awful does it have to get for you to go about your day I don’t know what’s going on here but it’s kind of fucked up and I tried to do my own blog post and only ended up with Jack shit because during the words in our the Internet does not work either. This is not my favourite thing to say but I had a real bad bad bad nightmare.

And once more, I wanted to scream again when I was trying to make this damn entry because I was like I just wanna get this off my chest. And it wouldn’t let me do anything so that wasn’t exactly my ideal morning. I’m gonna have to start sleeping in a little more or forget the coffee. I don’t know what spawn the demon I think it was the psychedelics the addictive and Tim Hortons coffee or it’s the fucking pumpkin spice. Either way I’m not having this shit happen again. I don’t want to ever say that someone drugs people so they can come back to make money because if that were the case……….. you see this is getting ugly or not ugly or as it goes just by trying to say that this is going on in the first place and I rather not talk about this anymore instead, I’d rather just forget that this happened but I have to face well, my demons, especially the one that was staring at me from under the bed and lunging for me poured. With her God knows what (gore) hanging out. 

What is this a hell they are never wanna see you again either way it was a hell spawn, that would be the only option for that. I’m just hoping that tomorrow night I would have a better nights sleep and not have to deal with hell spawns, or anything for that matter or say 10 or anything for that matter this is kind of disturbing. I know this is Halloween, but come off the pot. 

I just wanna have a good night sleep so that’s all I’m gonna say.

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