Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Why flight attendants

  I don't know about vampires, but I know there are demonic forces out there and demons. I'm not trying to be more of it or anything but I do remember having a dream where I am really certain I have seen Satan in the form of a flight attendant. I don't know why a flight attendant she was wearing all black, and she look like she was going to go after me. She had that look energizer only Lucifer would have. I was pretty certain if there was her there was a god somewhere, even though I try not to believe in God, or the devil or anything of that matter, I'm starting to wonder if this stuff is not fake, but actually real after seeing that flight attendant with fangs a vampire as a man is for sure, but is Lucifer really a vampire? Who is female I think so because that is the honest truth what I saw on my dream, and I am very certain I haven't seen certain. When I go to sleep at night, I find that I have more access to the spirit realm than anyone else, and that I'm able to see people like my mother, my father, who have died, or or have entered. The spirit realm like me through other means. I don't believe in doing drugs or alcohol to get into these trances or these visions, but I was very certain that I hadn't seen Lucifer he or she is real. That is one thing I will never tell anyone is that I am very certain that I had seen the devil, and it was in the form of a flight attendant who is wearing all black.

I remember the dream where I was going somewhere important, and there she was, and she was giving me the stink eye, the ultimate stink eye if you were to say, and then I was going to cause problems for me this flight attendant had a demonic look to work it was interesting guy. It was a complete package. She had this dark or around her and it wasn't her clothing. It was very honest that she was the actual devil her self. 

I believe like God, the devil is a female Lucifer is a female, as well as God who else would have such creative detailed capabilities as well as destructive capabilities, other than a female. It is just logical to think that we give birth, and we can kill at the same time it is very honest that this is what I think is going on in the cosmos is that the dark matter or dark energy is Lucifer and the matter and energy is God that created everything and if the two mixed together that they will explode in a nuclear explosion, that's what I believe. I remember watching something about antimatter and dark matter and dark energy, and matter and energy and how if a mango there could be an explosion it says if there is some kind of evil force with the antimatter, the antimatter being Lucifer doesn't have to be a guys name or a girls name. No it Hass to be just that a name but the entity I think was the female who was in the form of a flight attendant. You're wondering why I have something against flight attendants, I don't. But in this case this was one that was really horrible. She had this look that made a bin Laden and the Manson guy Charles Manson look like a saint together. It was kind of disturbing to see that look in a girl. Other than myself. I am the only one that can possess such a dirty look. But this was beyond a dirty look. This was nightmare, inducing, almost terrifying, and traumatic.

This kind of look is only very life-changing, and it isn't for the better. As I have seen hail before, but I've never seen the owner of hell. I have seen the realm of hell before and what it has done to people. But I have never seen anything of a vampire or a devil, but in this case I have now in the form of this flight attendant who is all in black and was going to lunch at me at some point. It was kind of disturbing for me to deal with at the time. I just try to tell myself it was just a dream, but it wasn't really a dream. I can still remember the look on her face as if it was tattooed or seared into my mind.  

That being said, I never want to see this person again I have smelled her god-awful perfume ones in my room only to note that she had a presence in my room. I don't know who this flight attendant is, but I know this is Satan and Satan is a woman just like God is a woman in my opinion I know this will piss off people in the three great world religions, but that is not my circus not my monkeys instead, it is what it is I believe that with the creative and destructive power of both entities at the are both female, and that the evil one is winning more with the world is going on in the stupidity if I had seen her in my dream, and I am very convinced that I have seen the devil, Lucifer, her self it was kind of strange, but I'll tell you what she looked like facial wise:

She had blood dripping from her mouth. She had all kinds of disturbing veins all over her face, particularly around the outside of her face the side of her face dark rings around her eyes Street look at Macy aided she look like she was going to be attacking look like she had a very great speed and intelligence it was kind a very unusual to see this kind of thing. You don't see this every night in your dreams. This is real.  So boo on me for thinking that God the devil and Jesus we're not naturally occurring things.

But my question I ask, and this is something I pose very important is this question why are there flight attendants been demons on my goddamn dream I don’t know why, but that is beside the point it is very peculiar to deal with.   Does this have something to do with my PTSD? It is this just something that is what is stated by nature that the devil is a female flight attendant dress in black who looks completely evil and I don’t even want to look at her kind of thing like a medusa. Only she does not turning on the showing is that what it is. Because if it is, I don’t know what to think of this situation and I don’t know what to think about this Whole Fuck up except maybe that there is a devil out there as well as there is a God and there might be even a son of God. I’m not want to say that I am Christian Jewish or Muslim but I am who I am I do believe in a higher power. That being said, I do believe that there is a good and evil out there and a mix of a between. That being said , I can’t say which religion I am now, but I still say I would be shaman ism. That being said, I am still subscribing to shaman ism, but it is that I subscribe to the idea that there is something out there that is creating something and also destroying something in the first place whether it be one entity or two I believe there are two of them the devil and the God of God and Lucifer. A saint, nor whatever you wanna call it in God. That is what the shade of the universe is like if there is a golden eagle weigh in and yang and that’s what I think is going on. I don’t think this is a random dream out of my PTSD but instead of a dream that is a manifestation or version of what is truly naturally occurring I just in mind boggling up the whole idea of it all that this is a idea of a dream that states the fox say do you wanna call it prophetic or something that’s one thing but I know what I saw and I am very convinced that I saw Satan, and answer her and it’s saying 10 is a girl that I am pretty sure that God is two. I’m not wanna start praying but that is what it is areas what is comprised of the universe to go down the evil. That’s what I think about this whole shit show!

 At first, I thought before the stream ever came about the dream was nothing more, but then it was just a fact there’s something out there create the universe now I know who did it. And I know who is the antimatter and the daughter of energy and dark matter. That would be Satan and the good stuff being God if the two would collide, they would explode in a very vicious manner destroying the universe. I know that for a fact, because I read that somewhere many times, and heard that somewhere many times in astronomy shows too, so this is kind of frightening that there is a God and Satan. The fact that this is what it is stating the facts I would say this is a prophetic dream. I just hope I don’t ever have this kind of dream again where I am face-to-face with the devil herself! But why the fuck a flight attendant?!

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 Last night I had a night mare were my father had died. I don’t know if it was a nightmare, or if it was just the universe stating the facts...