Sunday, November 5, 2023


 Last night I had a night mare were my father had died. I don’t know if it was a nightmare, or if it was just the universe stating the facts but that being said, I remember the dream saying that my father is going to die sometime very soon. I don’t know if that will be true or not, but there will be a strange smell that will signify that he has passed away the smell of decaying food that much I know, and that he is not going to be with us for very much longer I know that this is stupid dream, but that’s beside the point I had the same problem and my mother had passed away that I hurt, her ankle related brass, which would mean her last breath on the face of the Earth, which was very disturbing. This one wasn’t as disturbing as it was a dream, but what is that disturbing as it was. I am kind of afraid that I have to go to a funeral because of a stream because the funerals are not my cup of tea. Usually my ancestors just go about her, making a cairn for the person. And going about giving them a sky burial or some kind of other burial but they do not really do the funeral thing like we do in the west. I don’t believe in funerals nor do I believe in headstones that being said, I don’t think that I should be having these dreams but I do anyways, this is not a prophecy there, sister said, I think a fact of life that’s going to happen! And when I say that, I just say that was the same thing when I had my mothers last brass, that one scared the shit out of me actually because I was my mother, this one doesn’t scare me too much because I was never really close to my father since my period started when I was in six grade!

I don’t know why this came in a dream about his final passing this, but I know he like to do composting outside of our house and that always pissed me off that to be said it was very creepy that I would be the smell of compounds that would be marking his entry into the spirit world. I just couldn’t believe that that would be the case is decomposing food or compost. The second I smell compost. That would be the day that he would be gone for good until the next Halloween would be just frightening. I remember that I had buyers owner request had had to escort him to the afterlife all the spirit world if you were to say. He said in that dream that he did not really enjoy his life and that he had too many enemies, and that there is no point in going to move on in his body, even though his body was still functioning, barely he decided he wanted to go to the spirit world without his body! Glad to be said, I don’t know where his soul one, if it on to a certain hell realm or heavenly realm, I don’t know if it went to a certain kind of our next life. I am assuming that, since he was regretful for half the shit he did. As I said before, he had caused a lot of grief for one young girl, not myself I was lucky, but another girl who accused him of such atrocious things. I think he didn’t want to continue his soul in this life or in this plane, let’s put it that way until that girl cool her jets or until he finally had physically passed away. So I had to escort his soul to the after live in a dream and I remember. And I think the fact that he either had a face reincarnation, all that he had face hell was some thing that I will never find out until next Halloween!

Why do I say Halloween because there’s a timeline of the living and the dead mangled together. Whether you like it or not whether you’re clairvoyant or not I find that you mingle with a dad very easily. When you are on Halloween that’s why I had that dream about the demon jumping out from beneath my bed, because that was the significance of the veil deciding to thin. This is the only time of year, when the world of the live in the world of the dead come around. It happens again on another time in the month of May but it’s not as eerier as severe as it is on silent or Halloween.

I’m guessing I’ll never get any information until Halloween, or until May, at least when the veil sans in the spring! Although I know, as my father was happily doing hell swerved something he cannot do anymore, and that he ended up having one of the bushels fall over him. That being said, that was the end of him in the dream I think the reason why he wanted to go to the afterlife right away, or the spirit world right away is because he ended up hurting that young girl way before I was even born. Even though he denied it, and maintained is in a sense in the court of law I saw, called Rome, signifying that he had tried to avoid the consequences, but he had a face them sooner or later spiritually.   I don’t think he’s going to be in reincarnation or a hell round because he lied about his deeds when he was younger to me as well as to his wife. I don’t think he was very much of a man material. I’m sorry to say, but my brother was right about one thing he was guilty. He just didn’t admit it and his dream was that he had to go back to the spirit realm, or be escorted to the hell around because he was guilty, and he felt guilty about what he did to that girl! It was only the form of justice that could be coming of such a man who, trying to redeem himself by adopting a person, but only ended up having the skeletons in the closet come back out there, but I am in the ass!

Thursday, November 2, 2023

Prophecy come true?!

 When I was 30 years old and there’s there’s no bull was the fact that this time, four years ago, I ended up having my first prophecy, and it wouldn’t be my last prophecy if you would get my drift. I remember a lot of things about the prophecies about war and other atrocities going on in the world. That being said, I’m not gonna tell you exactly what they are but I fear that my prophecies that I had at night have come true or have been confirmed when I got a text from Twitter saying that the Pentagon I knew if the Pentagon was involved that it would not be to Good! The last time the Pentagon was involved was 911 something I did not see but it was the same thing that was pretty horrible. Nonetheless, when I was 30 now, four years ago, I remember having to this day having prophecies that were very disturbing in nature to the point where I would wake up screaming in the middle of the night!

One was a tour of hell for the people who have perpetrating search, atrocities in whores in this world. That being said, I’m not very pleased about that and I was screaming like a banshee in the middle of the night that night, and my mother heard me! Then there was a prophecy about a genocide in Eastern Europe something that turned out to be true as well, and then I ended up realizing that the last prophecy I had, which is about two or three years ago, which was about World War III was coming about when I got the Twitter thing about the Pentagon deciding to go after the certain people that are causing problems in the world. I’m not gonna tell you which groups of people they are but they are causing a lot of problems and that has been very disturbing. This is my dream journal and my prophecies are nothing more than dreams of the secular world wants to call it that or the mental health system is to call if that does stupid dreams but they’re not. This has been something that has been brewing I know but it could’ve been avoided if we did not have such a judge mental mental health system in the west and I would’ve been able to be heard and be able to tell people other than my mother and a few friends that I’ve had these prophecies of God knows what kind of stupidity humans do these days!

It was very disturbing when I heard about World War III coming, and that it was exactly was the last reoccurring prophecy. I’ve been having for the past oh 2 or three years. I am not very happy to give you this report about my dream or my prophecy coming through but it did. I guess it took a judgemental mental health system to trigger this. In my opinion. I don’t think that people should be judging other people over what they have experienced over the night when they have nightmares, dreams, or prophecies. The only person that was able to understand me was my mother when she understood that I was having these prophecies! That being said, one of my ancestors, and one of the last grade prophets was 40 years old when he got his first prophecy I was only 10 years younger than him when I got my first prophecy, which was kind of disturbing to tell you the truth that I even have him in my DNA test. That being said, I’ve had other prophecies that were about global warming, and how the construction of more houses instead of apartment buildings have been causing the loss of trees and stuff. That being said, I am not losing my mind. This is what I was wired to be. I don’t want to call myself a profit because then I would end up being called a fucking nut case by western society, which is kind of sad to be honest with you, people should be heard, and So should be either views and their dreams and nightmares should be be viewed as valid! But unfortunately, because of a feel bad apples, like the Jonestown and other things like that is kind of sad to say that I have to keep myself quiet, or I would end up in a mental hospital and being persecuted for my abilities here in the west, because a lot of people who say that they are profits turn out to be colt leaders And very awful people to begin with or not even freaking real. I think they’re either insane or that they are trying to grab money. I have said many times in my other blog that I don’t care too much about money or acting a fool. That being said, I feel this is kind of sad that I could’ve told people about this in the first place I  for telling things one hours 30 except for the COVID-19 outbreak. That being said, I did not have that come to me in a dream and I was scared one that came out. That the Asian people would be heard in someway. Especially the ones in Europe, and in the west. That to be said, I wish I was reading about a good dream. Maybe I might have a good dream tonight, but this is something I thought to be entered into my dream diary because it was supposed very first a dream then I continued on, and then the next thing you know I kept seeing angels were at the back of my eye not that I am of the three great war legends, but believe me, this is what happens when you have the haunting dream there continues on! It is when you have hunting dreams a dream that keeps repeating itself every effing night that it’s the spirits telling you that it is something that should be taken note of in the first place, and should be taken urgent Notice of in the beginning! 

I would say that my messages from this is that if we keep going down the same road as treating each other like we do the animals being cruel to one another and cruel to animals in the world we live in I find that we will end up finding ourselves extinct, which would not be too pleasant. And I don’t know who’s the last person with me. But I would hope it wasn’t me. But it looks like it is going to happen in our generation, this certain kind of loss of innocence if you want to college that and I’m sorry to say that that is the truth but that is what it is if the spirit want to tell you the truth, they will tell you see your dream or nightmare or a prophecy. You want to sleep. This is been the same thing and I’ve been dealing with since I was 30. They tapered off since I was a round 33, 34 years old my current age! But that doesn’t mean I don’t have the prophecy, which is kind of strange to tell you the truth you’re probably thinking I’m gonna complete fucking nut! But that is not the case I have a sound mind or at least, I believe I have a sound mind, and that being said, this had to be put in my dream journal, because this was foretold to me in a dream!  

My doctor and mental health worker has heard my prophecies and thought I was psychotic, which I am not!

I the ninja

 From what I remember, the dream last night was the fact that it was in the future, and it was a my soul. It was still on the planet, not wandering the planet as a ghost, but as another reincarnation rebirth. This is the first time I ever had a rebirth Dream in my life. Usually I’ve had flashbacks of past lives, but this is kind of unusual than the last to tell you the truth that I have seen what my next life will be in it is there anything but peaceful where is this one has been peaceful this particular one that’s coming up and I don’t think I want to deal with. There is a lot of them going to tell you there’s a triggerwarnings that I want to tell you about him , what is gore and the other is the fact that people are just plain stupid but anyways, that is beside the point I used to have flashbacks where I was a ninja when I was in the Tokugawa era. That I remember correctly and they were in the pasture as in past lives. But I’ve never had one of those very in the future alive for the future reincarnation , I don’t know why that is the case but I guess I have a fulfil my duties on this planet just years that I was supposed to on this life which was the stop idiots from doing stupid stuff in the first place. It was an interesting dream, but it was kind of strange and very vivid. Although I remember is it, what are my friends from grade school is great evil where she ends up trying to chase my soul even though I found my twin flame. I still haven’t been able to fulfil my duties on this planet yet. And this is the case wanted to get rid of the great evil it has been, haunting missions, Leo Tolstoy the time, but also because I have to fall fight the great evil!

Most of this greed, EVOL was caused by a girl named KB. Let’s put it that Way and KB was a blonde girl still lives in the person who is the great evil was blonde and was very well watch dress like her, and she just started showing her true colours a few years ago when I was a Discovering who I was Joe directly and she ended up calling me a bunch of racist names. That being said, I have a rent question if you were to say that I don’t want to say that, but yeah, in the future, I have to go after the blonde evil that was going around  causing problems since the times of the little toy story in which is kind of what I don’t want to deal with.  The great evil is basically my best friend from kindergarten to grade 8, who was starting to show her true colours in grade 8 that being said the dream that I had last night was her trying to hurt innocent people to the point where they were being harmed in very horrific ways. What is your ninja? Where are you and it up having to fight her tooth and nail to stop her from going around killing people I remember that her duties were from Abu Dhabi. Yes, that’s what I’m talking about is that she was involved with that particular kind of stuff in that life and I had to put a stop to that right away, I remember I was a judge daddy Nedra, but I was a young master ninja or mistress ninja. If you were to call it that says I was female. That being said, I was very disturbed that have you I found stuff alarm my so-called friends computer about very disturbing stuff . 

I would classify this more as a nightmare than anything else if I would have to but since it has to do with reincarnation, this is a preview of my next life ad is not gonna be that pretty to tell you the truth that I have to go learn martial arts, and what are the different ways of infiltrating someone and their lives. It’s not exactly my idea of a cup a cup kombucha tea instead, this is what it is basically me trying to fight this grade evil. once for all. Even though I have have found my twin flame, this dream has told me otherwise that I still have to fight in the next life before I can go onto the next wherever I was supposed to go to. I don’t know why, but this is where I was, I was meant to walk the line between good and evil that’s why I like that song the walk, the line song by the alien sex Fried it’s very interesting and that’s why I have to do the certain things in the dream mention I had to do in line actually incarnation when she’s not exactly my cup of tea energy drank, which is exactly what I am saying this is not my idea of a afterlife, but it looks like this is what it is. I remember the dream I was leading a swat team to stop this Gradyville if I were to be correct. I know this sounds like I am crazy but this is what it is this is the first time I had a preview of the next life. Usually I was going to end up going to heaven or something but this case I had to get rid of some of my duties and I had to do them properly in order to go to wherever that was, I remember seeing one dream where heaven was a field of ever-changing colours wildflowers in a very morning fog, what she was very interesting, but that was beside the point that will not be until the next life is or what she’s gonna be another lifetime of a pain in the ass- ry? If that is even a word! This is been the first time I’ve been previewed a life that is coming up to me instead of a past life flashbacks something I am not used to. I just have this is the last one. I’ll tell you that much because I am tired of the responsibility!


 Last night I had a night mare were my father had died. I don’t know if it was a nightmare, or if it was just the universe stating the facts...